Root Canals: What to Expect | Central Park West Dentist

Proper dental care is imperative if you want a good dental checkup. We all know this. It’s ingrained in our heads as children – brush your teeth twice a day if you don’t want cavities. And as adults, we realize this is very true, because you’ve landed yourself a root canal. But what can you expect from this dental experience?

A root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth, rather than remove it. The procedure involves removing, disinfecting and filling the affected area of the tooth or the pulp. The most common reasons for the pulp to be damaged is a cracked tooth, or the development of a very deep cavity, as well as repeated dental treatment to the tooth, or trauma. Below is a list of steps of what you can expect from top to bottom.

X-ray. After a thorough check-up of your teeth, the dentist will take a few x-rays to double check if you really need a root canal and to see where the decay is located.

Anesthesia. Once you’re found to need a root canal, the endodontist or dentist will then administer local anesthesia to the affected tooth.

Pulpectomy. The dentist or endodontist then makes an opening to remove the diseased tooth pulp.

Fillings. Once the diseased pulp has been removed, the dentist then fills it with a gutta-percha material and finishes it off by sealing it with cement to prevent further bacterial growth.

After your procedure, your dental professional will give you some tips to a smooth recovery. Make sure to take them all to heart to avoid infection and other issues as it heals.

If you have questions or concerns about root canals, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves Central Park West and all surrounding areas.

Fixing Your Smile vs. Keeping Your Smile Healthy | New York Dentist

We all think that if we want something fixed inside our mouth, we go to a dentist. But that isn’t always the case. The dental profession is broken up into many different segments, each having their own specialty inside your mouth. We all want a fantastic smile, but how you want your smile to look will define which dental specialty you will likely focus on – aesthetic or cosmetic.

There is a difference between cosmetic procedures and aesthetic procedures, and this is why – cosmetic dentistry will improve the look of your teeth, one of the bits that creates your smile (i.e., whitening or veneers). Aesthetic dentistry, on the other hand, deals more with your smile and the way it looks on your face. Think of cosmetic dentistry like playing college ball, aesthetic like going pro.

Another big difference between cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry is the end goal. Aesthetic dentistry uses techniques available to modern medicine to give you a more natural, healthy look. Aesthetic dentists use techniques like regular cleanings, root canal removal, and the restoration of teeth with fillings or bridges to make your teeth look normal and healthy. The goal is to give you healthy teeth that function properly so that you can look your best and eat and talk normally.

Cosmetic dentistry is a little different from aesthetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry uses more advanced and invasive methods to make your teeth look a little better than what is considered perfect. Cosmetic dentistry includes techniques like teeth whitening, braces, veneers and a wide variety of other techniques. The idea is to give you bright, white, straight teeth that are picture perfect.

If you have questions or concerns about improving your smile, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Invisalign Is the Answer to Fixing Your Adult Smile | New York Dentist

Many patients are familiar with braces – metal fastened to teeth that we all saw growing up. However, many patients grow through childhood and into adulthood with unsolved dental problems, and if you asked those patients if they would fix their crooked smile, odds are the answer would be yes. The American Association of Orthodontics indicates that approximately 25% of people wearing braces are adults. That’s a lot of patients. But despite the large number of patients currently wearing braces, in most parts of the country you probably don’t see many adults with braces. What’s the secret? Invisalign.

Invisalign is a series of treatments where clear plastic aligners are custom created for an individual patient. Each aligner is worm for a specific period of time, slowly and slightly correcting the patient’s bite. As the patient completes the specified time with each aligner, the teeth slowly shift into their proper position.

The aligners should be worn as often as possible – generally 20-22 hours each day. They can be removed while you eat, and when you brush your teeth, but are generally worn while awake and asleep. Because the aligners are removed while you eat, you’re free to eat virtually anything you’d normally eat – meaning there are no food restrictions.

Nearly all bite issues can be corrected with Invisalign, though some dentists will recommend against Invisalign in certain cases where Invisalign may be significantly more costly and difficult than traditional orthodontic treatments. To determine if you’re an Invisalign candidate, schedule an appointment soon for a full evaluation.

If you have questions or concerns about Invisalign, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Eating After You’ve Gotten a Dental Filling | New York Dentist

Now that we are enjoying the summer sun, we are becoming surrounded (and tempted) by so many frozen delights and sugary treats. And if we aren’t looking after our teeth, this can become an issue when it comes to our next dental appointment. Because if you don’t, it is likely that you will have yourself a cavity. And while it isn’t the end of the world, it isn’t something we want because it can lead to sensitive teeth. We need a filling.

A dental filling is a minor procedure but should be taken quite seriously. Dental fillings tend to necessitate a local anesthetic, so your teeth will be incredibly sensitive for a while. Here are some things to keep in mind while you’re healing:

Hot and cold foods. Because your filling is a sensitive area, stay away from foods that are too hot or too cold. It will be easier, less painful, and more comfortable for you to eat your food at a neutral temperature. Say yes to salads and sandwiches, no to soups and milkshakes until your mouth feels better.

Avoid gum and sticky foods. This tip not only applies to all dental work but avoiding sticky foods is safer for your teeth altogether. And yes, that includes the Halloween favorites, like caramel or taffy. After your filling, the material used to fill in the tooth will still be somewhat malleable. In that case, you want to avoid chewing excessively for the sole purpose of making sure your filling stays right.

Getting a filling isn’t a life-altering issue, but it will take a few days to heal. You can avoid this altogether by practicing good dental hygiene after the spooky times have subsided.

If you have questions or concerns about dental filling aftercare, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Why Does My Breath Stink? | New York, NY

Has anyone ever randomly offered you a stick of gum? Do people stand back when you speak? You may have a case of halitosis, or bad breath. And while most cases of bad breath can be remedied with a stick of gum or a quick brushing. But if you find that it is a consistent occurrence, it could be a result of something more serious.

Obviously, the first option is to look at your dental hygiene practices. Do you brush for at least two minutes twice a day? Do you floss and rinse? Not being diligent with these daily tasks will not only lead to bad breath but also gum disease and other dental maladies.

The medical condition dry mouth (xerostomia) also can cause bad breath. Saliva is necessary to moisten the mouth, neutralize acids produced by plaque, and wash away dead cells that accumulate on the tongue, gums, and cheeks. If not removed, these cells decompose and can cause bad breath. Dry mouth may be a side effect of various medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous breathing through the mouth.

Many other diseases and illnesses may cause bad breath. Here are some to be aware of: respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis, chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, and liver or kidney problems.

Don’t worry – there are a few things you can do to prevent your traditional forms of dragon breath. Here are tips to keep in mind going forward:

  • Practice good oral hygiene
  • See your dentist regularly
  • Quit tobacco products
  • Drink lots of water
  • Keep a log of the foods you eat

If you have questions or concerns about bad breath, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Getting Dental Appliances: The Aftermath | New York Dentist

When discussing your treatment options for a new smile, it is important to know that this may lead to the use of removable dental appliances, like dentures or bridges. If this is the case, you need not worry – your smile won’t look artificial like they did in the past; today’s dental advancements can now give you the most natural-looking smile possible. But once you receive this new smile, you are in charge of maintaining that it in between dental checkups. It isn’t your dentist’s job to maintain your smile – it’s yours.

After everything is done, you will receive a set of do’s and don’ts to follow – pay attention. These words of advice are not only going to ensure that your new smile is going to last as long as possible but will also prevent future issues due to the development of pathogens that can lead to oral thrush, pneumonia and other systemic diseases.

Many will soak their appliances in an over-the-counter solution dissolved in water. This is fine for aesthetic maintenance, but they do nothing for the harmful pathogens. Best solution is a nice soak in an all-purpose antimicrobial cleanser.

We know that toothpaste is necessary for proper dental hygiene, but it isn’t for removable dental appliances. Most toothpastes are too abrasive and can cause tiny scratches, and these tiny scratches are the perfect hiding place for bacteria and other fungal colonies.

In order to maintain your dental health while using dental appliances, make sure to thoroughly disinfect your appliances and clean the areas they are placed. No sense in keeping pristine dentures if you plan on placing them in an unclean mouth. Keeping both clean and disinfected will keep your renewed smile around for years to come.

If you have questions or concerns about dental appliances, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.