What To Know About Wisdom Tooth Surgery | Central Park West Dentist

Not everyone’s wisdom teeth grow in, but for those who do have wisdom teeth that break through the gum line, removal can be necessary to avoid overcrowding. Overcrowded teeth can cause a myriad of complications for your oral health. Whether you choose to be sedated for the surgery or go with nitrous oxide, the first 72 hours after surgery is imperative to your recovery and avoiding issues down the road.

Once the procedure is over, your surgeon will place gauze on the surgery site to absorb the blood. They will send you home with extra you can replace the gauze as needed at home, helping to keep the area clean and dry. Once the bleeding has stopped, you can place a moist tea bag on the site to help prevent clotting. You will also want to keep your head elevated, this will help keep the swelling and further bleeding down. Compresses also work well to help keep the swelling down. Apply a cold compress, then a warm one on rotation to the external surgery site every 20 minutes for the first 48 hours. It will help reduce pain and swelling.

After that, your focus should switch to keeping the surgery site as clean as possible as the soft tissue continues to heal. Rinse your mouth with warm or saltwater throughout the day and especially after meals. Your dentist may give you a syringe to squirt water directly onto the surgery site to clear it of any debris. Swish utilize the syringe carefully, you don’t want to disturb your stitches. If food is left stuck in the soft tissue cavity and stays there as the tissue heals, that debris is likely to become infected over time, requiring another surgery to remove it.

Your dentist will give you all kinds of tips and tricks to help you heal properly, but some of the most important ones to remember are not to use straws as the suction can induce bleeding. Don’t use tobacco because it will hinder the healing process, and don’t engage in strenuous activity as an increased heart rate will increase blood flow and the possibility your surgery site will bleed.

If you have questions or concerns about wisdom tooth surgery, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

How Smiling Enhances Your Life | Central Park West Dentist

Smiling in your everyday life can greatly enhance your personal health and the relationships you share with those around you. Yet, it’s important to note that there are individuals who experience smile anxiety and may hesitate to share in this exchange. Smile anxiety occurs when an individual becomes reluctant to smile in public because he or she dislikes, or is embarrassed by, the aesthetic appeal of their smile. There are many factors that may cause someone to feel this way including trauma, decay, or the way in which their adult set has grown.

Smiling and Our Health. When we smile, our brains release neuropeptides and neurotransmitters that alleviate the stressors of our day. The most common hormones associated with these results are dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Dopamine and serotonin are “happy hormones”, acting as antidepressants. Endorphins offer mild pain relief; together, they have been shown to reduce stress and our heart rate. A smile a day can go a long way to making us feel better and look out into the world with a positive attitude.

Smiling and Our Relationships. People who smile more often are seen as being more approachable, likable, creative, and productive. Smiling can also have a “ripple effect” as one person’s expression of joy can cause an onlooker to also feel joy and smile too. The next time you are out with friends, or a loved one could use a pick-me-up, remind them of their positive attributes and share a smile with them!

It’s important to retain gentle kindness if you know a loved one struggles with the appearance of their smile, though there are several means of restoration your dentist may accommodate.

To learn more or make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves Central Park West and all surrounding areas.

Invisalign Is the Answer to Fixing Your Adult Smile | New York Dentist

Many patients are familiar with braces – metal fastened to teeth that we all saw growing up. However, many patients grow through childhood and into adulthood with unsolved dental problems, and if you asked those patients if they would fix their crooked smile, odds are the answer would be yes. The American Association of Orthodontics indicates that approximately 25% of people wearing braces are adults. That’s a lot of patients. But despite the large number of patients currently wearing braces, in most parts of the country you probably don’t see many adults with braces. What’s the secret? Invisalign.

Invisalign is a series of treatments where clear plastic aligners are custom created for an individual patient. Each aligner is worm for a specific period of time, slowly and slightly correcting the patient’s bite. As the patient completes the specified time with each aligner, the teeth slowly shift into their proper position.

The aligners should be worn as often as possible – generally 20-22 hours each day. They can be removed while you eat, and when you brush your teeth, but are generally worn while awake and asleep. Because the aligners are removed while you eat, you’re free to eat virtually anything you’d normally eat – meaning there are no food restrictions.

Nearly all bite issues can be corrected with Invisalign, though some dentists will recommend against Invisalign in certain cases where Invisalign may be significantly more costly and difficult than traditional orthodontic treatments. To determine if you’re an Invisalign candidate, schedule an appointment soon for a full evaluation.

If you have questions or concerns about Invisalign, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Prevent Tooth Decay in Five Steps | New York Dentist

We all try to maintain a healthy smile, but tooth decay can sneak up on us if we aren’t careful. But are you doing everything you can? When it comes to our smiles, a dentist is the expert when it comes to keeping it healthy, but it is our duty to keep our smiles healthy in between dental check-ups. Here are five dentist-approved ways you can prevent tooth decay:

Brush your teeth. Brushing and flossing properly every day, along with a good dental rinse can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day actually makes your teeth stronger.

Dietary snacks. It is good to limit sweet snacks in general, but an excessive intake of sweets will alter your blood sugar and cause cavities, especially if you don’t practice good dental hygiene on the daily. Good snacks should be nutritious and include healthy proteins and fats.

Regular dental checkups. It is very important to seek the help of a dentist since they know a lot more about your mouth and the issues that can arise because of your lifestyle.

Fluoride therapy. By definition, fluoride therapy is the delivery of fluoride to your teeth either topically or systemically in order to prevent tooth decay, and eventually, resulting in cavities. Fluoride therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed. Tablets or drops are rarely used where public water supplies are fluoridated.

Dental sealant. Dental sealants are a dental option done during your check-ups and are basically plastic material covering your teeth in order to prevent cavities and tooth decay.

If you have questions or concerns about tooth decay, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.