A Guide to Pediatric At-Home Oral Care | Central Park West Dentist

A child’s smile is a precious thing, and as parents, it’s our responsibility to ensure it sparkles with good oral health. Establishing proper dental care habits early in life sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Here’s a comprehensive guide to pediatric at-home oral care to help you nurture those bright smiles.

1. Start Early:

The journey to good oral health begins even before your child’s first tooth appears. Wipe your baby’s gums with a soft, damp cloth after feedings to remove bacteria. As teeth emerge, switch to a small, soft-bristled toothbrush designed for infants.

2. Choose the Right Toothpaste:

When your child reaches the age of two, introduce a fluoride toothpaste in a pea-sized amount. Ensure they spit out excess toothpaste, as swallowing too much fluoride can lead to fluorosis. Make brushing a fun activity to encourage regularity.

3. Establish a Routine:

Consistency is key. Encourage a routine of brushing teeth twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. This helps instill good habits early and makes oral care a natural part of their daily routine.

4. Make it Fun:

Turn brushing into an enjoyable activity by using colorful, child-friendly toothbrushes and toothpaste with appealing flavors. Play their favorite music or set a timer to make sure they brush for the recommended two minutes.

5. Lead by Example:

Children often imitate their parents, so let them see you prioritize oral health. Brush your teeth together, turning it into a bonding experience. This not only reinforces the importance of dental care but also creates positive associations.

6. Monitor Diet:

Limit sugary snacks and beverages, as they contribute to tooth decay. Encourage a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products that support healthy teeth and gums.

7. Regular Dental Check-ups:

Schedule regular visits to the pediatric dentist for check-ups and cleanings. Early detection of any dental issues can prevent more significant problems down the road.

In conclusion, pediatric at-home oral care is a vital component of a child’s overall health and well-being. By starting early, making it enjoyable, and setting a consistent routine, you can ensure your child grows up with a beautiful, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

If you have questions or would like to learn more, give us a call or make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves Central Park West and all surrounding areas.

Enhance Your Smile With These Care Accessories | Central Park West Dentist

A well-rounded oral care routine is the first step towards attaining the smile you want, but if your hygiene is quite good, and you still aren’t seeing the results you want, aesthetic additions may do the trick. Here are some oral care accessories that can enhance your smile at home.


At-Home Aligners: At-home aligners are an easy, effective means of straightening out your teeth for an enhanced aesthetic. While they aren’t meant for everyone, and you should speak with your dentist prior to incorporating at-home aligners into your oral care practices, they can gently move your teeth into their proper position and enhance your smile.

Whitening Trays: These work similarly to the teeth aligners mentioned above. Instead of working to straighten your teeth however, you simply mold the trey to your teeth, brush on the included whitening solution to the inside of the tray and allow it to rest on your teeth for the prescribed amount of time. Kits are easily accessible and when done properly can make your smile up to a few shades whiter.

UV Light: This is another means of enhancing the color and brightness of your teeth. Typically, when you employ a UV light, you first brush on the whitening solution and allow the light to rest on that set of teeth for a number of minutes. The solution and the light combination work to enhance your smile and can potentially do so up to a few shades whiter.


Electric Toothbrushes: Do you even complete your two-minute scrub and think “My teeth don’t feel very clean”? It may be because the traditional toothbrush just isn’t cutting it anymore. Electric toothbrushes have gained popularity because they are designed to provide brush strokes that work to give you a better clean in the same amount of time. It can go a long way to providing the basic care your teeth need.

Flossers: There are so many ways to floss available for your choosing. Traditional waxed or unwaxed threads are no longer the only option. Water flossers and plush threads are great alternatives (if not better alternatives) to the floss we commonly associate with.

Tongue Scraper: While there is no definitive rule that these need to be employed in your care routine, the benefit of incorporating one is the added removal of potentially harmful bacteria. Tongue scraping removes the same bacteria that feed on the sugars left between the teeth after a meal from the surface of the tongue, improving overall hygiene.

If you have questions or concerns about these care accessories, give us a call or make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves Central Park West and all surrounding areas.