How Is Gum Disease Diagnosed? | Central Park West Dentist

When it’s time for a dental checkup, your dentist will look for various issues that may be developing inside your mouth. Oral cancer, tooth decay and gum disease are some of the major issues that can arise due to poor dental hygiene, poor diet, etc. By catching these issues early, it is possible to treat the issue before it develops into a more serious issue.

Believe it or not, 47% of adults over 30 will have gum disease at one point in their lives. Because it is such a common occurrence, it is important to treat the issue as soon as possible because your gums keep your teeth in place. Having them weakened by gum disease will only lead to more dental issues in the future.

But how exactly does a dentist diagnose gum disease? During a dental exam, your gums will be probed with a small ruler to check for inflammation and any pockets around your teeth. Your dentist may also order x-rays to check for bone loss.

If you are diagnosed with gum disease, there are a few things that your lifestyle will need to change a bit in order to treat the issue.

You must practice good oral hygiene to treat gum disease. You should also cut back on any smoking if you smoke and manage your diabetes if you live with this condition. Quitting smoking may be difficult, but a doctor can help build a cessation plan that works for you.

Other treatments include:

  • Deep cleaning your teeth with techniques like scaling, root planning and lasers.
  • Antibiotic medications, microspheres and antiseptic mouthwashes can help treat the issue.
  • Surgery (flap surgery, bone and tissue grafts, and dental crown lengthening) would be the options if your gum disease is severe.

If your gingivitis is severe, especially if it’s caused any gum or bone tissue loss, you may need surgery. Types of gum surgery, which is performed by a periodontist, include:

Flap surgery. Flap surgery is a procedure where the gums are lifted back while plaque and tartar is removed from deeper pockets. The gums are then sutured in place to fit snugly around the tooth.

Bone and tissue grafts. Grafting can be used when your teeth and jaw are too damaged to heal.

Gum graft surgery uses tissue from the roof of your mouth to cover the exposed tooth root. This helps prevent additional gum and bone loss.

For a bone graft, your doctor will start with a procedure similar to flap surgery, but they’ll put in a bone graft to encourage your body to regenerate any lost jawbone.

Dental crown lengthening. Some people with gingivitis may have excess gum tissue. If this is the case, a periodontist can reshape your gum and bone tissue to expose more of your teeth. This may also be necessary before certain cosmetic or restorative procedures on your teeth.

If you have questions or concerns about gum disease, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves Central Park West and all surrounding areas.

When Your Gums Begin to Bleed | New York Dentist

We all know the benefits of taking care of your teeth. Not only do we have a fantastic smile to flash the world, but it also helps look after your overall health. So, we brush our teeth every day and floss on the regular. Then one day we notice our gums are bleeding. What is going on? Don’t worry – while making a dental visit is a good idea, here are some simple home remedies when you find a bit of blood while brushing:

Clove oil. Considered to be one of the best home remedies, clove oil helps to reduce the inflammation of gums and stops the gums from bleeding to a larger extent. Take a little clove oil and rub it on your gums or chew one or two cloves.

Aloe. Not only for sunburns, aloe can reduce gum inflammation, making bleeding less likely. Mild gum diseases can be taken care by consuming liquids that have natural aloe vera in it, as well as topical application.

Good dental hygiene. Prevention has always been better than cure. Don’t wait until you get a gum inflammation – take care of your gums start brushing twice daily along with flossing.

Fruits and vegetables. Fresh and raw vegetable and fruits not only are good for overall health they are also equally important for healthy gums as well. Chewing raw vegetables help to improve blood circulation in gums, thus helping to reduce the bleeding of gums.

Salt gargling. One of the easiest and simplest home remedies is to gargle with salt water. Add a bit of salt to some lukewarm water and gargle three times a day.

If you have questions or concerns about bleeding gums, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Gum Disease Prevention at Home | New York Dentist

Periodontal disease is one of the most common problems Americans face – as many as half of American adults have some level of periodontal disease, and that percentage increases at higher ages. Periodontal, or gum, disease can take many forms – from mild gingivitis, with symptoms like red inflamed gums to severe periodontal disease, where pus from infections can push teeth from their socket.

Fortunately, there are things you can do at home to help prevent periodontal disease. First and foremost – brush at least twice a day (ideally after each meal), and floss at least once a day. Periodontal disease typically starts with plaque and tartar on the teeth – brushing and flossing helps remove that plaque before it can harden into tartar.

Controlling bacteria in the mouth can be done with a few home remedies. Saltwater rinses (2 teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water, swirled in your mouth for up to 60 seconds) and hydrogen peroxide (food grade, equal parts 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and water, swirled in your mouth for a few seconds and then spit out) can help combat bacteria in your mouth, and sugar-free gum with Xylitol has antibacterial properties as well as encourages the production of saliva to help wash food particles from your mouth.

While there’s no substitute for professional dental visits, taking good care of your mouth at home will help keep periodontal disease at bay. If you see red, inflamed, or bleeding gums, skip the home treatment and visit a professional – it’s best to treat periodontal disease before it becomes a serious problem.

If you have questions or concerns about gum disease prevention, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Sometimes It’s Okay to Be Salty | New York Dentist

Sure, it tastes like you are drinking a glass of ocean water, but a warm saltwater rinse can be highly beneficial to your oral health. It is more than just a disinfectant; it also helps in removing swelling of oral tissues. Here are just a few ways swishing some saltwater can help:

Halitosis. While poor oral hygiene is a cause for halitosis, or bad breath, rinsing your mouth with salt water can prevent bacterial growth and infection, which often causes halitosis.

Gingivitis. Gingivitis is a typical condition characterized by swelling, inflammation and bleeding gums. Bacteria proliferation forms a sticky and whitish film, called plaque. Rinsing the mouth with salt water solution daily can help in soothing inflamed gums and wipes out bacteria.

Toothache. Toothache can happen to anyone; it is a common complication caused by several reasons. While bacteria are the main cause, weak roots or open nerve endings can also lead to sensitivity and throbbing in teeth. Gargling regularly with salt water can offer some relief.

Sore throat. Sore throat can cause you to cough, only adding to the pain your throat feels. Saltwater gargle can help in relieving soreness.

Salt water has been used by multiple cultures over countless generations to clean wounds and rinse out mouths. At the very least, salt water is soothing to the mucous membranes of your mouth, but it should not be swallowed in quantity. Talk to your dentist about the benefits of washing your mouth with salt water. To make a saltwater solution, mix 1 tsp of salt to 1 cup of warm water.

If you have questions or concerns about saltwater rinse, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.