Prevent Tooth Decay in Five Steps | New York Dentist

We all try to maintain a healthy smile, but tooth decay can sneak up on us if we aren’t careful. But are you doing everything you can? When it comes to our smiles, a dentist is the expert when it comes to keeping it healthy, but it is our duty to keep our smiles healthy in between dental check-ups. Here are five dentist-approved ways you can prevent tooth decay:

Brush your teeth. Brushing and flossing properly every day, along with a good dental rinse can help prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day actually makes your teeth stronger.

Dietary snacks. It is good to limit sweet snacks in general, but an excessive intake of sweets will alter your blood sugar and cause cavities, especially if you don’t practice good dental hygiene on the daily. Good snacks should be nutritious and include healthy proteins and fats.

Regular dental checkups. It is very important to seek the help of a dentist since they know a lot more about your mouth and the issues that can arise because of your lifestyle.

Fluoride therapy. By definition, fluoride therapy is the delivery of fluoride to your teeth either topically or systemically in order to prevent tooth decay, and eventually, resulting in cavities. Fluoride therapy delivery involves fluoride supplementation using water, salt, tablets or drops which are swallowed. Tablets or drops are rarely used where public water supplies are fluoridated.

Dental sealant. Dental sealants are a dental option done during your check-ups and are basically plastic material covering your teeth in order to prevent cavities and tooth decay.

If you have questions or concerns about tooth decay, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

What Do You Know About Dental Sealants? | New York Dentist

It’s a new year and a new train of thought. But when you think about life improvements, do you ever think about your dental health? It’s something to think about, since our mouths are the first line of defense against lots of general health issues. So, when we are maintaining our dental hygiene routines, we need to realize that how we brush our teeth is important. After all, no one wants to have a cavity. The best way to prevent them from developing is to practice proper dental hygiene, keep your dental checkups regular and consider dental sealants.

What is a dental sealant? Dental sealant is a thin coating that is painted onto the crevices of your premolars and molars in order to prevent cavities from forming in the areas it is difficult for toothbrushes to reach. While it is available to everyone, dental sealants are a great way to prevent cavities while your tiny human is learning to properly brush.

The process is quick, painless and economical, as sealants are less expensive than a filling. The tooth is cleaned and dried, then a low-acidic solution is applied so the sealant can adhere to the tooth. The sealant is painted onto the respective tooth and dried with a curing light. Start to finish, the process takes less than a minute.

Once the sealants have been applied, the upkeep is simple – look after your teeth like you would normally. Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes, floss at least once, and swish some mouthwash around. You’ll be pleased to see a great report card at your next dental visit.

If you have questions or concerns about dental sealants, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

The Benefits of IV Sedation | New York Dentist

When we need to have a dental procedure done, it never ceases to make us a bit skittish. After all, surgery is never a fun thing to do. But there really isn’t anything to fear – the dental industry understands that patients are nervous and have developed IV sedation as an option prior to the procedure, so you can rest at ease. Because you may be a bit hesitant, here are some of the benefits of having IV sedation during your next dental procedure:

  • IV sedation kicks in right when it’s first administered, and the drug dosage can be altered to fit each individual patient.
  • A safe level of deep sedation can be reached with IV sedation, as where oral sedation and inhalation sedation can be unpredictable. IV sedation is safe and effective.
  • Certain treatments can be performed at a fast pace and with fewer office visits with the help of IV sedation.
  • With IV sedation, your gag reflex is greatly diminished. If you are using IV sedation for gag reflex, then your dentist may try inhalation sedation first.
  • IV sedation allows patients to be conscious, while also relaxing them. This allows them to cooperate with the dentist instructions and be relaxed at the same time.
  • Recovery time is typically shorter with IV sedation. This is mostly because the drug dosage can be tailored.

Now that you’ve gotten a little more familiar with sleep dentistry, you don’t need to worry about that dental procedure you’ve been dreading. Get that much need dental procedure done. Don’t let your dental anxiety or sensitive gag reflex keep you from visiting the dentist.

If you have questions or concerns about the effects of IV sedation, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Give Your Smile a Makeover with Porcelain Veneers | New York Dentist

When we have a flawed smile, it can lead to other issues. If teeth are missing or crooked, it can cause your other teeth to respond to these flaws by moving and/or shifting. In order to fix this, it’s time for a visit to the dentist for a smile makeover. One option to improve your smile? Porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers offer superior benefits over other cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental crowns or braces. The fingernail-thin shells, which are adhered to the front surface, solve a myriad of aesthetic problems with just one treatment. Here is a list of the top 10:

Natural looking. Porcelain is a translucent material that mimics the look, luster, and feel of enamel.

Whiten. When adhered to the front surface of your teeth, veneers you’re your teeth look instantly whiter.

Straighten. Veneers offer a great alternative for patients with crooked teeth who do not want to endure the process of having their teeth straightened with dental braces.

Fix. Veneers can fill in and improve the look of teeth that are chipped or broken.

Fill in gaps. Veneers can be customized to repair smiles with unsightly gaps.

Youthful. A whiter, brighter, more lustrous smile can immediately you’re your face a more youthful appearance.

Conservative. Unlike other cosmetic procedures that require removing a large portion of healthy, natural teeth, veneers can be applied with little alteration.

Protection. Once applied, the veneers also serve to provide a protective shield to the front surface of teeth.

Stain-resistant. Porcelain is stain-resistant, which will make your smile stay brighter and whiter longer.

Gum friendly. Gum tissue is not irritated by porcelain.

If you have questions or concerns about porcelain veneers, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.