When It’s Time for an Extraction | New York Dentist

Let’s face it – once we lose our baby teeth, this is all we get. We need to preserve our teeth for the rest of our lives. Because while dental implants are fantastic replacements, nothing beats our natural set of teeth so our goal is to keep them as long as we possibly can. But life happens, and so do accidents. It isn’t impossible that you will need a tooth or teeth replaced at some point in your life.

While there are many different reasons for extraction, virtually all extractions fall into one of two classes: simple or surgical. Simple extractions typically involve local anesthetic, and instruments are used to gain leverage and physically loosen and pull the tooth from the patient’s mouth. Surgical extractions, as their name implies, is typically conducted by an oral surgeon under anesthesia, and may involve teeth that are fully beneath the gum tissue, or teeth that require cutting tissue or bone for other reasons.

But you need to know, there is no easy extraction and both surgical and simple extractions require healing – your dentist or oral surgeon may prescribe antibiotics to minimize the chance of infection. Packing the area with gauze will also help to eliminate the chance of food particles becoming embedded in the opening formerly occupied by the removed tooth. Depending on your case, you may also require antibiotics and/or pain killers for the first bit of healing time, but you will soon be good as new. While extraction is fairly common and well understood, there are some potential complications, including infection, bleeding, swelling, and nerve injury.

If you have questions or concerns about teeth extractions, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Which Whitener Is My Best Choice? | New York Dentist

Nothing is better than having a bright, healthy smile. Not only does it look great to everyone you meet, but knowing you have this spectacular smile just improves everything around you. The problem is, it’s tough to maintain that brightness as time goes on. Whether it be because of our diets, bad habits or dental hygiene routines, eventually our smile begins to have a not-so-white vibe.

This is when we need some help. And where all the confusion comes into play. Which option is best for my grin? There seems to be so many options. Do you go natural? Do you save up for a professional one? Let’s break down the options:

Kitchen items. DIY toothpaste can be made with a little hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, but did you know that strawberries and bananas can produce similar results? Strawberries contain stain-fighting malic acid, so crush a couple of berries with some baking soda. Even simpler, rubbing a potassium-filled banana peel over your teeth like a toothbrush will also shine up your smile naturally.

Whitening products. Over the counter in the form of strips, trays, or paste work by using the oxidizing agents to remove pigment on the surface of the enamel. The products are effective at removing surface stains but make sure to follow the instructions. Overuse will wear down enamel making your teeth look yellowed, so make sure you use these in moderation.

In-office visits. When all else fails, nothing beats a ZOOM! whitening treatment. Not only can it be applied by your professional, or customized so you can do it yourself. Ask your dental professional which whitening options will work best for you.

If you have questions or concerns about teeth whitening, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.