Understanding Tartar Buildup and Care | Central Park West Dentist

The buildup of plaque that hardens on your teeth is known as tartar. When plaque isn’t removed properly from your hygienic routine, that’s when plaque can turn into tarter which may require a more intense means of removal. While tartar buildup can happen, there are ways your can mitigate your risk. Tartar control toothpastes and rinses can help eliminate stubborn plaque to help prevent tarter all together. Regular visits with your dentist and flossing also go a long way in helping ensure a thorough oral care routine and minimize the risk of tartar buildup.

Tartar is a buildup of minerals that, if above the gum line, is fairly easy to spot. If you notice yellow or brown-colored stains on the teeth or gums, it may be tarter. The only real way to know however, is to consult your dentist, and they can remove it for you. Your dentist or hygienist may employ a method called scaling in which he or she uses special instruments to remove the tartar from around the gum line and bottom of the tooth pocket.

If you are employing a thorough routine of proper brushing and flossing, you should be able to avoid tartar buildup. Yet, it’s still important to understand the signs and symptoms of tartar buildup, so that if you do recognize it’s happening, you can consult your dentist sooner than later. If it gets really bad, you may experience bad breath, darker staining, loose teeth and red, swollen or bleeding gums. If this happens, its best to consult your dentist immediately before things get worse.

If you have questions or concerns about your tarter buildup, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves Central Park West and all surrounding areas.

Why You Need to Use Toothpaste | New York Dentist

oral hygieneWe know the importance of looking after our teeth, and in doing that, brushing on a daily basis. Brushing, along with flossing, will not only remove food debris and plaque but will also protect your teeth against tooth decay and gum disease. But have you ever wondered why we use toothpaste? Sure, it tastes great and makes our breath less harsh, but is that all it does for our dental health? You may be surprised by just how much it does…

Dentists recommend that you use fluoride toothpaste, as it not only cleans your teeth but protects them. Toothpaste and gentle circular strokes work to remove plaque, a sticky, harmful film of bacteria that grows on your teeth that causes cavities, gum disease and eventual tooth loss if not controlled. For toothpaste that contains fluoride, which makes the entire tooth structure more resistant to decay, and promotes remineralization, which aids in repairing early decay before the damage can even be seen.

Special ingredients in toothpaste help to clean and polish the teeth and remove stains over time. Toothpaste helps freshen breath and leaves your mouth with a clean feeling. But contrary to what toothpaste commercials show, the amount of paste or gel needed on your brush for effective cleaning does not have to be a heaping amount. Simply squeeze a pea-sized dab of paste on the top half of your brush.

Whatever toothpaste you choose will be effective in that it will clean your teeth and prevent the risk of tooth decay. Your dentist can advise about toothpaste, so feel free to ask him/her for their advice.

If you have questions or concerns about toothpaste, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Ever Been to the Dentist? Here’s What You Can Expect | New York Dentist

When trying to maintain a healthy smile, it is important that you practice proper dental hygiene on a daily basis. We need to brush for a couple of minutes, floss thoroughly and use with mouthwash that will not only freshen our breath but also rinse away any bacteria and particles stuck between our teeth. But there is one thing we also need to do in order to maintain our mouth’s health, and it’s something we don’t exactly enjoy doing – visit the dentist.

As much as we hate to admit it, dentists are key – they can not only fix any issues we have developed but can also help prevent things from progressing. But what exactly can we expect from a dental appointment? Let’s take a look at what a typical appointment would look like…

Cleaning. You are cleaning your teeth when you brush, but this cleaning will involve special dental tools that can remove any tartar from your teeth, then polish any stains or plaque that may be developing. Once complete, you may be told about any problems found that may be a concern or habits you could improve.

Examination. Once your smile is nice and clean, your dental professional will take a closer look at your entire mouth to find any changes that may have occurred, and identify any dental issues, like cavities or gum disease. Sometimes this means having x-rays taken. And if necessary, a treatment plan will be discussed.

As you can see, there really is nothing to worry about if you take proper care of your smile. Proper dental hygiene and regular dental visits will keep your smile healthy.

If you have questions or concerns about dental hygiene, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at www.philipschnalldmd.com.

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.