Getting Dental Appliances: The Aftermath | New York Dentist

When discussing your treatment options for a new smile, it is important to know that this may lead to the use of removable dental appliances, like dentures or bridges. If this is the case, you need not worry – your smile won’t look artificial like they did in the past; today’s dental advancements can now give you the most natural-looking smile possible. But once you receive this new smile, you are in charge of maintaining that it in between dental checkups. It isn’t your dentist’s job to maintain your smile – it’s yours.

After everything is done, you will receive a set of do’s and don’ts to follow – pay attention. These words of advice are not only going to ensure that your new smile is going to last as long as possible but will also prevent future issues due to the development of pathogens that can lead to oral thrush, pneumonia and other systemic diseases.

Many will soak their appliances in an over-the-counter solution dissolved in water. This is fine for aesthetic maintenance, but they do nothing for the harmful pathogens. Best solution is a nice soak in an all-purpose antimicrobial cleanser.

We know that toothpaste is necessary for proper dental hygiene, but it isn’t for removable dental appliances. Most toothpastes are too abrasive and can cause tiny scratches, and these tiny scratches are the perfect hiding place for bacteria and other fungal colonies.

In order to maintain your dental health while using dental appliances, make sure to thoroughly disinfect your appliances and clean the areas they are placed. No sense in keeping pristine dentures if you plan on placing them in an unclean mouth. Keeping both clean and disinfected will keep your renewed smile around for years to come.

If you have questions or concerns about dental appliances, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Philip Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Bright Smiles for the Holidays | New York Dentist

It’s the holiday season and while there are different rules this year, pictures will be taken and we all want to look our best. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the smile we would like. Lots of times, a simple whitening treatment would do the trick. But keeping up a bright white smile isn’t exactly easy. Most of us don’t keep up the greatest diets and lifestyle choices, and that can hinder our teeth being their whitest. You can brush & floss every day, but your teeth will eventually lose its natural sheen. And being smack dab the holiday festivities, we need a bright smile. So, what do we do? Try these whitening options:

Kitchen items. DIY toothpaste can be made with a little hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, but did you know that strawberries and bananas can produce similar results? Strawberries contain stain-fighting malic acid, so crush a couple of berries with some baking soda. Even simpler, rubbing a potassium-filled banana peel over your teeth like a toothbrush will also shine up your smile.

Whitening products. Over the counter in the form of strips, trays, or paste work by using the oxidizing agents to remove pigment on the surface of the enamel. The products are effective at removing surface stains but make sure to follow the instructions. Overuse will wear down enamel making your teeth look yellowed.

In-office visits. When all else fails, it may be time for you to make a dental appointment. A ZOOM! whitening treatment that can either be applied by your professional, or customized so you can do it yourself. Ask your dental professional which whitening options will work best for you.

If you have questions or concerns about teeth whitening treatments, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

How Do Dental Crowns Work? | New York Dentist

When you damage your teeth, it is important to let your dentist examine them for any problems that may arise in the future. But you need not worry – chances are, a dental crown will be the suggested fix. Crowns are placed on top of damaged teeth or implants to restore the tooth’s shape, function and structure. It may sound fancy, but it’s a common procedure. Here is a quick breakdown of what to expect from a dental crown procedure:

The procedure for fitting or installing a dental crown typically takes two separate dental visits, with usually a week or two of interval in between each appointment. During the first appointment, you dentist prepares the tooth by filing it down, but it there is significant damage, the tooth may need to be filled in so a crown can be applied. After preparing the tooth to the proper shape, your dentist will take an impression of it and the surrounding teeth, then send it away to a dental lab. It is there at the lab that a dental technician will create the permanent crown. But in the meantime, your dentist will have to place a temporary crown to protect the damaged tooth during your first visit until the final crown is ready.

Once ready, you will return for a second visit where your temporary crown is removed and replaced by the new crown using a special adhesive to bond it to the tooth. Once the procedure is done, the dentist will then explain to you what you should expect after (such as the adjustment period) and how to take better care of your crown.

If you have questions or concerns about dental crowns, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

When You Want Your Smile Whitened | New York Dentist

When we think of a smile that lights up a room, we are generally thinking about those amazing Hollywood smiles we see on our movie screens. They are bright and white and envious to those that can’t claim the same perfection. Now it is time to do something about it – a teeth whitening treatment is sure to fix things right up.

Brushing and flossing remain the two most important things you can do to prevent yellow teeth and to maintain oral health. Avoiding smoking and the over-consumption of acidic food and drink are all simple options that will surely improve the state of your tooth coloration overall. Food and drinks that are very acidic break down the tooth’s enamel, making your teeth look dingy. Avoiding snacks in between meals also help give your saliva enough time to dilute and help rinse the acids in your mouth.

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products, such as whitening toothpastes, whitening trays and even mouth rinses, can all help whiten teeth by removing some of the stain build-up and providing a mild bleaching effect when used properly.

In general, the most effective way to whiten teeth and get lasting results is to visit the dentist. Only they can give you the proper advice on how to achieve the sparkly, white smile you’ve always wanted. There are various ways dentists can help you achieve better looking teeth. This may include using bleaching kits for you to use at home, or via in-office bleaching procedures though the latter is considered the more effective option.

If you have questions or concerns about teeth whitening, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Give Your Smile a Makeover with Porcelain Veneers | New York Dentist

When we have a flawed smile, it can lead to other issues. If teeth are missing or crooked, it can cause your other teeth to respond to these flaws by moving and/or shifting. In order to fix this, it’s time for a visit to the dentist for a smile makeover. One option to improve your smile? Porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers offer superior benefits over other cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as dental crowns or braces. The fingernail-thin shells, which are adhered to the front surface, solve a myriad of aesthetic problems with just one treatment. Here is a list of the top 10:

Natural looking. Porcelain is a translucent material that mimics the look, luster, and feel of enamel.

Whiten. When adhered to the front surface of your teeth, veneers you’re your teeth look instantly whiter.

Straighten. Veneers offer a great alternative for patients with crooked teeth who do not want to endure the process of having their teeth straightened with dental braces.

Fix. Veneers can fill in and improve the look of teeth that are chipped or broken.

Fill in gaps. Veneers can be customized to repair smiles with unsightly gaps.

Youthful. A whiter, brighter, more lustrous smile can immediately you’re your face a more youthful appearance.

Conservative. Unlike other cosmetic procedures that require removing a large portion of healthy, natural teeth, veneers can be applied with little alteration.

Protection. Once applied, the veneers also serve to provide a protective shield to the front surface of teeth.

Stain-resistant. Porcelain is stain-resistant, which will make your smile stay brighter and whiter longer.

Gum friendly. Gum tissue is not irritated by porcelain.

If you have questions or concerns about porcelain veneers, make an appointment today with Dr. Philip Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Whiten Your Teeth at Home | New York Dentist

If there is anything that we correlate with a good smile, it has to be the color of the teeth. You can brush & floss every day, but your teeth may not keep its natural sheen. Here are six easy ways to DIY your smile:

The version most people are used to hearing about is a hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste, or “old reliable”. You can find a lot of toothpastes with these ingredients, but if you want to do it DIY style, just drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into a little bit of baking soda makes a paste.

This may sound strange, but you can’t get more natural than this – strawberries and banana peels. Strawberries contain malic acid, and malic acid is fantastic at breaking down stains. So, grab a couple berries, add about a teaspoon of baking soda & rub on your teeth for 5-7 minutes. After you brush your teeth, peel a ripe banana and rub a piece of the inside on your teeth for two minutes. Minerals like potassium, magnesium, etc. will absorb into the enamel on your teeth, brightening it in a very nutritious way.

If you have apple cider vinegar, dilute it with some water (3 parts water, 1 part vinegar) and mix it with an all-natural toothpaste, you’ve made yourself a pretty efficient tooth whitening solution. If you are one that has discovered the many uses for coconut oil, you may also know that swishing it around in your mouth for 20 minutes is a possible solution to dingy teeth. Heat a cup of coconut oil, add two teaspoons of baking soda & five to ten drops of natural spearmint essential oil. The spearmint adds antimicrobial benefits for your gums.

One of the latest detoxifying trends is to use activated charcoal. The recipe is just as simple as all of these others: mix with a little bit of water, gently apply it to your teeth, leave to set in your mouth for two minutes, then rinse.

If you have questions or concerns about teeth whitening, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.

Straighten Things Out with Braces | New York Dentist

In an era of constant need to document life through pictures, having a flawed smile is a tough one to take. Not only does it look less than pleasing, but it can also cause other issues to develop, like trouble eating, speech issues and a lack of self-esteem. Thankfully, most dental issues can be resolved by taking a trip to the dentist, so they can take a look and you can both decide on a plan of attack.

One great way to fix a crooked smile is with orthodontics. Believe it or not, having braces can fix a number of dental issues. Fixing your crooked teeth with a set of braces – traditional or otherwise – will improve your mouth’s alignment, speech and/or chewing difficulties. Take a look…

Gapped teeth. Gaps in between teeth can occur from the abnormal continued growth of the jawbone or missing teeth causing teeth the shift to adjust to the empty space, creating gaps.

Overbites. When the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth, you have an overbite. Much like teeth gaps or spaces, overbites can eventually lead to gum problems and add unnecessary stress on the lower teeth and jaw.

Underbite. The opposite of overbites, an underbite occurs when the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth. Having an underbite causes unnecessary tooth wear, in addition to causing pain and other issues in the jaw joints.

Teeth crowding. Crowded teeth occur when there’s not enough room in the jaws for teeth to fit normally as they would. If left untreated, expect severely crooked teeth, which causes various dental issues, such as plaque accumulation, tooth decay and an increased risk for gum disease.

If you have questions or concerns about braces, make an appointment today with Dr. Schnall at 212-247-7059 or visit our website at

Dr. Schnall proudly serves New York and all surrounding areas.